90th Annual Spring MeetinG
Invited Speakers
Tom Edgar
Title: Seeking Balance in Mathematics
Abstract: Archimedes famously stated “Give me a place to stand and with a lever I will move the whole world.” In this talk, we’ll explore how the physical tool of balance (via a scale) can play a role in pure mathe- matics results as well as recreational math ideas. In particular, we’ll discuss “physical” proofs of three stand- ard results encountered by nearly all undergraduate learners, along with a magic trick connected to a fa- mous recreational math puzzle about counterfeit coins.
Adriana Salerno
Title: The Stories We Tell
Abstract: Stories are how we make sense of our world and ourselves. In a mathematics classroom, whether we notice it or not, we tell stories -- about what mathematics is and who it’s for. Additionally, each person in that classroom (teachers and students) brings in their own stories and experiences with mathematics. In this talk, I will share how acknowledging and making room for different stories has shaped my classroom and my own growth as an educator. And of course, there will be stories.
Tom Edgar
Title: Publishing in MAA Periodicals
Abstract: We will discuss the various publications from the MAA, including the style, aim and scope for each. Afterwards, I will be available to discuss the publishing process or to answer questions members may have about the MAA publications. Feel free to bring ideas about potential pieces to discuss with others.