Section NExT-WI
2022 Fall Conference
The Section NExT – Wisconsin annual fall conference will be held virtually through Zoom on Saturday, October 15, 2022. We are pleased to have Robert Talbert from Grand Valley State University as our keynote speaker. Professor Talbert will discuss flipped learning, and his title and abstract appear below.
“Productive Sabotage: My journey with flipped learning”
Twelve years ago, I taught a class using flipped learning for the first time. Flipped learning a teaching model where lecture on basic topics is moved from the class meeting to students' individual spaces, allowing the class meeting to be entirely focused on active learning tasks. I had high hopes for flipped learning; but the reality fell well short. In fact, it nearly ruined my career. Rather than give up, I went on a journey of learning about my students, my boss, my boss' boss, and myself that went way beyond academic research about teaching and learning. This talk is about that journey. I will talk about what to expect when adopting a teaching innovation, and how to navigate the knowns and the unknowns in your own careers. Committing to teaching innovation can be difficult and often dangerous. But when doing it wholeheartedly and for the right reasons, it's well worth it for you and your students.
As per usual, we will offer 25-minute presentation slots for Section NExT members after the keynote address. Abstract submissions are due by October 6, 2022 but interested attendees may register through October 14, 2021.